The night sky on May 5 was animated by the once-a-year cosmic event of the perigee moon. Popularly known as the "Supermoon", the moon appears much larger above us when the elliptical orbit brings it within 221,802 miles to Earth, the closest point. The effect is magnified during a full moon, when we see our nearest celestial neighbor appear roughly 20 percent brighter and 15 percent larger. Collected here are images taken just before, during, and just after the perigee moon of 2012. -- Lane Turner (27 photos total)
Wrangler Nate Cummins rides by moonlight on the night before the "Super Moon" during Montana Horses' annual horse drive outside Three Forks, Montana on May 4, 2012. Approximately 300 horses are rounded up and driven 35 miles from their winter range to the Mantle ranch over the course of three days. (Jim Urquhart/Reuters) #
Skipper Ken Read works at the navigation station while the crew sail under full Supermoon conditions onboard PUMA Ocean Racing powered by BERG during leg 6 of the Volvo Ocean Race 2011-12 on May 6, 2012 from Itajai, Brazil, to Miami. (Amory Ross/PUMA Ocean Racing/Volvo Ocean Race via Getty Images) #
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